ICA invites you to submit your individual submission or session proposal for the 74th Annual ICA Conference to be held as a hybrid event. Participants will be able to attend in-person in Gold Coast, Australia, or present remotely. The physical conference is slated to take place in Gold Coast on 20-24 June 2024. The conference theme is Communication and Global Human Rights.
Click here for the Conference Calls for Papers.
Tips for Online Submission
The first choice you will make is whether the submission will be presented in-person or remotely. This decision is binding and cannot be changed after 1 November.
Have your document ready to upload! You MUST upload a paper or extended abstract in order to complete the individual submission process. Before submitting your document, remember to remove all author identification from the text, cover page, and the file properties. (In the "File" menu select "Properties," delete any identifying information, click "OK," and save the document.)
Plan ahead! The Session Organizer submits the panel proposal, and enters all of the panel information including the abstract rationale, and listing of all panel participants. When entering a panel participant, please SEARCH THE DATABASE for the participants. ENTER ONLY TWO OR THREE LETTERS OF THE FIRST AND LAST NAMES WHEN SEARCHING. This strategy will minimize the possibility of missing a record because of a 'special' character in the first or last names. In the Panel Description field enter the text of your panel proposal including rationale, presentation authors and titles, and abstracts or any other information mentioned in the Call for Papers. You can do this by copying and pasting the text of the panel proposal from your Word document.
If your topic crosses the interests of several divisions or interest groups, and relates to this year’s theme, "Communication and Global Human Rights”, consider submitting your work or paper as a theme session for the conference, rather to a single division or interest group. The theme invites communication scholars to examine how authenticity has become a variable, rather than a constant, in public discourses and popular culture across the globe, and with what relational, social, political, and cultural implications. Please read the full theme here.
If you have any questions about submitting your work for the theme sessions, please get in touch with one of this year’s theme co-chairs:
Silvio Waisbord | waisbord@gwu.edu |
Kari Anden-Papadopoulos | kari.anden-papadopoulos@ims.su.se |
Tanja Bosch | tanja.bosch@uct.ac.za |
John Erni | johnerni@eduhk.hk |
Gerard Goggin | gerard.goggin@sydney.edu.au |
Kerry Moore | moorek4@cardiff.ac.uk |
Ella McPherson | em310@cam.ac.uk |
Pradip Thomas | pradip.thomas@uq.edu.au |
ICA Member Associations are entitled to one panel program at the conference. The highest ranking elected officer or designated program planner of each Member Association is invited to submit a panel proposal through the online submission system by the 1 November submission deadline. Follow the instructions for submitting a panel session and submit under Sponsored Sessions.
Contributors of individual and panel submissions to Conference Theme will be requested to self-assess diversity. At the time of submission, individuals who seek to contribute to the conference theme will self-assess: (i) the extent to which the submission focuses on a specific region of the world or is global in its scope; (ii) the extent to which the submission references and builds on scholarship diverse in terms of region, ethnicity, gender, and career stage; (iii) the extent to which coauthors (if any) reflect diversity in terms of region, ethnicity, gender, career stage, other academic disciplines (including those beyond the social sciences and humanities), and non-academic entities (e.g., civil society, government, industry, NGOs, policy makers). In addition to the above, contributors to all panel conference theme submissions will be requested to self-assess, at submission, the extent to which the panel as a whole reflect diversity in terms of region, ethnicity, gender, career stage, other academic disciplines (including those beyond the social sciences and humanities), and non-academic entities (e.g., civil society, government, industry, NGOs, policy makers). These self-assessments will be used along with other criteria in making decisions about submission acceptances.
Panel conference-theme submissions are encouraged to: (i) showcase and/or critique ongoing inter-divisional communication scholarship relevant to the conference theme; (ii) propose the development of an inter-divisional research agenda relevant to the conference theme; and/or (iii) assemble a blue-sky session for individuals to workshop nascent ideas that could lead to the future development of an inter-divisional research agenda relevant to the conference theme.
All individual submitters are expected to review at least one submission (if applicable). Please declare your interest in being a reviewer by updating your profile in the submission management system. Watch this tutorial on how to sign up to review.
Submitters can only be the first author on three submissions max. But there is no longer a limit on submissions in general, only for the first author.
To access the submission management system, please click here. You do not have to be an ICA member to access and submit, but you do need a ScholarOne Abstracts profile. If you created a ScholarOne Abstracts profile last year, you can use the same login information to access the website. Our membership database is not linked to the submission management system. If you have any questions or concerns about accessing or editing your profile, please contact ScholarOne’s Help Desk.
Messages or emails are regularly sent from ICA or Unit Planners concerning paper submissions or reviewing. Sometimes our emails will filter into spam folders, usually of those who have a university address. So be sure to frequently check your message center in the paper submission system after signing in. The message center stores all sent messages and eliminates the problem of universities blocking emails.
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 1 November @ 12:00 (noon) ICA headquarter time (EST)
Be sure to read the conference guidelines for more tips on how to submit, and check out the tutorial for more information.