Keith R. Sanders and Lynda Lee Kaid Best Political Communication Article of the Year Award Fund

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Keith R. Sanders and Lynda Lee Kaid Best Political Communication Article of the Year Award Fund

Each year, ICA's Political Communication Division honors "The Best Political Communication Article of the Year" with an award. The division chair appoints the award committee, which is typically composed of five political communication international scholars and a chair. The committee's responsibility includes scanning a long list of communication and political communication journals and selecting the best article. The award is presented annually at the division's business meeting.

In 2011, the division decided to dedicate the award to the memory of Keith R. Sanders and Lynda Lee Kaid, and turn the award from an honorary mention to a cash award. Sanders and Kaid were both distinguished and highly prolific scholars, mentors and academic administrators, whose work had a lasting impact on the field of political communication research. Both Sanders and Kaid spearheaded the founding of the Political Communication Division of ICA in 1973. Keith Sanders was the doctoral advisor of Lynda Kaid, and before passing away on April 2011, Kaid's express wish was to honor Sanders with an award presented annually at ICA.

The amount of money needed for such an award is $ 25,000. Prof. Clifford Jones, Lynda's husband, will match at least the first $12,500.00 in donations received to make this award possible.