Tamara Afifi,
U of California - Santa Barbara
Walid Afifi, U of California - Santa Barbara
James A. Anderson, U of Utah
Peng Hwa Ang, Nanyang Technological U Osei Appiah, The Ohio State U
Karen Lee Ashcraft, U of Colorado Boulder
Charles Atkin (Deceased)
Erica Austin, Washington State U -
Sarah Banet-Weiser, London School of Economics and Political Science
George Barnett, U of California - Davis
Janet Bavelas, U of Victoria
Lee Becker, U of Georgia
Samuel L. Becker (Deceased)
W. Lance Bennett, U of Washington
Charles R. Berger (Deceased), U of California - Davis
Elizabeth Bird, U of South Florida
Jay George Blumler (Deceased)
Pablo Boczkowski, Northwestern U, 2022-2023 Fellows Chair
Göran Bolin, Södertörn U Franklin J. Boster, Michigan State U
James Bradac (Deceased)
Sandra Braman, Texas A&M U
Dominique Brossard, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Jennings Bryant (Deceased)
Moniek Buijzen, Erasmus U Rotterdam
- Jean Burgess, Queensland U of Technology
Judee K. Burgoon, U of Arizona
Michael Burgoon (Deceased)
Brant R. Burleson (Deceased) Brad J. Bushman, The Ohio State U
Patrice M. Buzzanell, U of South Florida
Carolyn Byerly, Howard U Sandra L. Calvert, Georgetown U
Joanne Cantor, U of Wisconsin - Madison
Joseph N. Cappella, U of Pennsylvania
James W. Carey (Deceased)
Michael X. Delli Carpini, U of Pennsylvania
John Caughlin,
U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Steve Chaffee (Deceased)
Joseph M. Chan, Chinese U - Hong Kong
Lilie Chouliaraki, London School of Economics
Ruth Anne Clark, U of Illinois
Akiba A. Cohen, Tel Aviv U Jonathan Cohen, U of Haifa
Noshir S. Contractor, Northwestern U W. Timothy Coombs, Centre for Crisis & Risk Communications
Francois Cooren, U de Montreal, 2018-2019 Fellows Chair
Nick Couldry, London School of Economics and Political Science
Robert T. Craig, U of Colorado - Boulder
Stephen Croucher, Massey U Stuart Cunningham, Queensland U of Technology
James Curran, Goldsmiths, U of London
John Daly, U of Texas - Austin
Frank E. X. Dance, U of Denver James W. Dearing, Michigan State U
Stanley A. Deetz
Brenda Dervin (Deceased)
James Price Dillard, Pennsylvania State U
Travis L. Dixon,
U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
William A Donohue, Michigan State U
Wolfgang Donsbach (Deceased)
Susan Douglas, U of Michigan
Kirsten Drotner, U of Southern Denmark
Steve Duck, U of Iowa Norah Dunbar, U of California Santa Barbara
Sharon Dunwoody (Deceased)
Mohan Dutta, Massey U
William H. Dutton, U of Southern California and Oxford U
Steven Eggermont, KU Leuven Don Ellis, U of Hartford
Nicole Ellison, U
of Michigan
Frank Esser, U
of Zurich
David R. Ewoldsen, Michigan State
Gail Fairhurst, U of Cincinnati
Shahira S. Fahmy, The American U in Cairo Edward L. Fink, Temple U
Mary Anne Fitzpatrick, U of South Carolina
Andrew Flanagin, U of California Santa Barbara
Terry Flew, U of Sydney
Kory Floyd, U
of Arizona -
Leopoldina Fortunati, U of Udine
Janet Fulk, U of Southern California
Cindy Gallois (Deceased) Shiv Ganesh, U of Texas at Austin
R. Kelly Garrett, The Ohio State U
- Cherian George, Hong Kong Baptist U
George Gerbner (Deceased) Jennifer Gibbs, U of California - Santa Barbara
Homero Gil de Zúñiga, U of Salamanca & Pennsylvania State U
Howard Giles, U of California - Santa Barbara
Gerard Goggin, U of Sydney
Robert S. Goyer, Ohio U/Arizona State U
Maria Elizabeth Grabe,
Indiana U
Doris Graber (Deceased), U of Illinois - Chicago
- Jonathan Gray, U of Wisconsin - Madison
Melanie Green, U of Buffalo
- Bradley S. Greenberg (Deceased), Michigan State U
Kathryn Greene, Rutgers U Larry Gross, U of Southern California, 2016-2017 Fellows Chair
Lawrence Grossberg, U of North Carolina
James Grunig, U of Maryland William B. Gudykunst (Deceased) -
Albert Gunther, U of Wisconsin - Madison
Daniel Hallin, U of California - San Diego
Cees J. Hamelink, U of Amsterdam
Jeffrey Hancock, Stanford U
Thomas Hanitzsch, Ludwig Maximilian U of Munich
Eszter Hargittai, U of Zurich
Nancy Grant Harrington, U of Kentucky Tina M. Harris, Louisiana State U Kristen Harrison, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Randall Harrison (Deceased)
Roderick P. Hart, U of Texas - Austin
John Hartley, Curtin Jake Harwood, U of Arizona
Radha Hegde, New York U Francois Heinderyckx, U libre de Bruxelles, 2021-2022 Fellows Chair
Andreas Hepp, U of Bremen Alfred Hermida, U of British Columbia David Hesmondhalgh, U of Leeds -
Shirley Ho, Nanyang Technological U
R. Lance Holbert, U of Pennsylvania-
Andrea Hollingshead, U of Southern California
Robert Hornik, U of Pennsylvania Yi-Hui Christine Huang, City U of Hong Kong -
Lee Humphreys, Cornell U
Youichi Ito, Akita International U
John Jackson, Jr. U of Pennsylvania Ronald Jackson II, U of Cincinnati
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, U of Pennsylvania Klaus Bruhn Jensen, U of Copenhagen -
Dal Yong Jin, Simon Fraser U
- Seunga Venus Jin, Northwestern U - Qatar
- E. Patrick Johnson, Northwestern U
Steven Jones, U of Illinois - Chicago
Amy Jordan, Rutgers U
Veronika Karnowski, Chemnitz U of Technology Tamar Katriel, U of Haifa
Elihu Katz (Deceased)
James E. Katz, Boston U
Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Johannes Gutenberg U
Hak-Soo Kim, Sogang U - Seoul
Young Yun Kim, U of Oklahoma
Mark L. Knapp, U of Texas - Austin
Leanne Knobloch, U of Illinois
Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, Technische U Berlin
Marwan Kraidy, U of Pennsylvania, 2023-2024 Fellows Chair
Gary Kreps, George Mason U Janice Krieger, U of Florida
Klaus Krippendorff (Deceased)
Timothy Kuhn, U of Colorado at Boulder Annie Lang, Indiana U
Maria Lapinski, Michigan State U Chin-Chuan Lee, National Chengchi U Eun-Ju Lee, Seoul National U Francis Lee, The Chinese U of Hong Kong Kwan Min Lee, Nanyang Technological U
Dafna Lemish, Rutgers U Paul Leonardi, U of California - Santa Barbara Sun Sun Lim, Singapore U of Technology & Design Carolyn Lin, U of Connecticut Rich Ling, Nanyang Technological U/Telenor Brooke Fisher Liu, U of Maryland Sonia Livingstone, London School of Economics and Political Science
Amanda Lotz, Queensland U of Technology May Lwin, U Nanyang Technological U
Nathan Maccoby (Deceased)
Paolo Mancini, U di Perugia
Ifat Maoz, Hebrew U Marie-Louise Mares, U of Wisconsin, Madison
Dana Mastro, U of California - Santa Barbara Jörg Matthes, U of Vienna
Gianpietro Mazzoleni, U of Milan
Maxwell McCombs (Deceased)
James C. McCroskey (Deceased)
Douglas McLeod, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Jack M. McLeod, U of Wisconsin
Claudia Mellado, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso Miriam Metzger, U of California - Santa Barbara Gerald R. Miller (Deceased) Lynn Miller, U of Southern California Isabel Molina-Guzmán, U of Illinois Urbana- Champaign
Peter Monge, U of Southern California
Susan Morgan, U of Miami
Patricia Moy, U of Washington
Dennis K. Mumby, U of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Sheila Murphy, U of Southern California
Elwood Murray (Deceased)
Robin Nabi, U of California - Santa Barbara Amy Nathanson, The Ohio State U
Peter Neijens, U of Amsterdam W. Russell Neuman, New York U Jeff Niederdeppe, Cornell U Seth M. Noar, U of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Jon F. Nussbaum, Pennsylvania State U
Dan O'Keefe, Northwestern U, Fellow
Mary Beth Oliver, Pennsylvania State U Kent Ono, U of Utah
Zizi Papacharissi, U of Illinois, Chicago
Han Woo Park, YeungNam U Hee Sun Park, Korea U
Malcolm R. Parks, U of Washington John Pavlik, Rutgers U
Jochen Peter,
U of Amsterdam
John Durham Peters,Yale U
Barbara Pfetsch, Freie U Berlin
Marshall Scott Poole, U of Illinois
Jonathan Potter,
Rutgers U Robert Potter, Indiana U
Andrea Press, U of Virginia
Monroe Price, U of Pennsylvania
Linda L. Putnam, U of California-Santa Barbara Thorsten Quandt, U of Muenster
Jack Linchuan Qiu,
The Chinese U of Hong Kong
Janice Radway, Northwestern U Steve Rains, U of Arizona Srividya Ramasubramanian, Syracuse U
W. Charles Redding (Deceased)
Stephen Reese, U of Texas - Austin
Byron Reeves, Stanford U,
Ronald E. Rice, U of California - Santa Barbara
Rajiv Rimal, George Washington U Shelly Rodgers, U of Missouri
Everett M. Rogers (Deceased)
Hernando Rojas, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Michael E. Roloff, Northwestern U
Karl Erik Rosengren (Deceased)
Karen Ross, Newcastle U
Alan M. Rubin, Kent State U Erica Scharrer, U of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dietram A. Scheufele, U of Wisconsin - Madison
Kim Christian Schrøder, Roskilde U
Michael Schudson, Columbia U
Winfried Schulz, U of Erlangen-Nuernberg Craig R. Scott, U of Texas at Austin Matthew Seeger, Wayne State U Chris Segrin, U of Arizona David R. Seibold, U of California - Santa Barbara
Dhavan Shah, U of Wisconsin - Madison, 2020-2021 Fellows Chair Cuihua (Cindy) Shen, U of California -Davis Donghee Shin, Texas Tech U Raka Shome, Villanova U Jane Singer, City U of London Michael D. Slater, The Ohio State U
Sandi W Smith, Michigan State U
Denise Solomon, Pennsylvania State U Linda Steiner, U of Maryland Jonathan Sterne, McGill U Keri K. Stephens, The U of Texas at Austin Jennifer Stevens Aubrey, U of Arizona Jesper Stromback, U of Gothenburg Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Syracuse U Cynthia Stohl, U of California - Santa Barbara, 2017-2018 Fellows Chair
Michael Stohl, U of California - Santa Barbara
Joseph D. Straubhaar, U of Texas - Austin Richard Street, Jr., Texas A&M U Natalie Stroud, U of Texas at Austin
S. Shyam Sundar, Pennsylvania State U Ron Tamborini, Michigan State U
James R. Taylor (Deceased)
Maureen Taylor, U of Tennessee - Knoxville
Esther Thorson, Michigan State U
Phillip K. Tompkins (Deceased)
Karen Tracy, U of Colorado Sarah J. Tracy, Arizona State U Yariv Tsfati, U of Haifa Monique Turner, Michigan State U Joseph Turow, U of Pennsylvania
Sahana Udupa, LMU Munich Siva Vaidhyanathan, U of Virginia Angharad Valdivia, U of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
Patti M. Valkenburg, U of Amsterdam
Jan Van den Bulck,
U of Michigan
Betteke Van Ruler, U of Amsterdam
Julia C.M. Van Weert, U of Amsterdam
Liesbet Van Zoonen, Erasmus U
Anita Vangelisti, U of Texas - Austin
K. Viswanath, Harvard School of Public Health
Peter Vorderer, U of Mannheim
Claes de Vreese, U of Amsterdam Tim Vos, Michigan State U
Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff U
Silvio Waisbord, George Washington U
Joseph B. Walther, U of California - Santa Barbara Zheng Joyce Wang, The Ohio State U
Ellen Wartella, Northwestern U
Herman Wasserman, U of Cape Town Janet Wasko, U of Oregon
David H. Weaver, Indiana U
Rene Weber, U of California - Santa Barbara James Webster, Northwestern U Ran Wei, Chinese U of Hong Kong
Osmo A. Wiio (Deceased)
Karin Wilkins, U of Miami
Frederick D. Williams (Deceased)
Barbara J. Wilson, U of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Steven Robert Wilson, U of South Florida Magdalena, Wojcieszak, U of California - Davis Paul Wright, Indiana U
Michael Xenos,
U of Wisconsin-Madison
Guobin Yang, U of Pennsylvania Kyu Ho Youm, U of Oregon
Barbie Zelizer, U of Pennsylvania, 2019-2020 Fellows Chair Shuhua Zhou, U of Missouri
Jonathan Zhu, City U - Hong Kong