Divisions: Mobile Communication
Group Pages

Welcome to the Mobile Communication Division

The Mobile Communication Division focuses on the phenomenon of mobility in communication – thus being placed on the intersection of mobility, technology, and culture in human communication. While including a wide array of perspectives and approaches in communication scholarship from historical perspectives to studies on future media innovations, from ethnographic to quantitative empirical approaches, from journalism studies to media effects research the common ground of the division is state of the art theorizing on mobile communication as well as the discussion of adequate methodology to do so.

You are welcome to join the Mobile Communication division easily by adding it during renewal or contacting membership@icahdq.org at any point throughout the membership year. We have emerged from a long and fruitful tradition of ICA Preconferences. This evolution can be traced back on the site  http://icamobile.org. You will soon find more information and announcements on the Mobile Communication division page here. For the time being, follow us on twitter!


  • Mariek Vanden Abeele Chair

    Department of Communication
    SciencesDe Krook
    Miriam Makebaplein 1 | Platteberg 119000 Gent


  • Adriana de Souza e Silva Vice Chair

    Department of Communication
    North Carolina State University
    201 Winston Hall, Box 8104
    Raleigh, NC 27695-8104


  • Andrew Z H Yee Secretary

    Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
    Nanyang Technological University
    31 Nanyang Link
    Singapore 637718