Interest Groups: Public Diplomacy
Group Pages

Public Diplomacy Interest Group Pages


The aim of the Public Diplomacy Interest Group is to bring together scholars investigating topics related to public diplomacy, nation branding, country image and reputation, public relations for and of nations, as well as political, and global and intercultural communication that influences international relations. It seeks to gather all perspectives, research methods, methodological approaches, and theories including critical approaches, and to encourage dialogue and debate on these growing interdisciplinary topics.



Ilan Manor,  Chair

Department of Communication Studies Ben-Gurion University         

22 Huberman Street, Tel Aviv, Israel 6407515 215 | +972-505496893 |


Zhao Alexandre Huang, Vice Chair

Department of Information, Communication, Competitive Intelligence, Université Gustave Eiffel

Office 308, IFIS, 6-8, Cours du Danube (bât. Erasme), 77700 Serris, France |


Sameera Durrani, Secretary

Department of Strategic Communication, School of Communication, University of Technology Sydney 

235 Jones Street, Ultimo, Broadway, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia|  |



Anna Popkova, International Liaison Officer

School of Communication,Western Michigan University

1903 W Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo MI 49008- 5318 USA|  |


Emma Rönngren, Student and Early Career Representative




Group Feed
Phillip Arceneaux uploaded a new photo to the Interest Groups: Public Diplomacy group's photo gallery.

Posted Monday, June 27, 2022
Candace L. White uploaded a new photo to the Interest Groups: Public Diplomacy group's photo gallery.

Posted Thursday, June 1, 2017
James Pamment joined the group Interest Groups: Public Diplomacy.
Posted Monday, January 23, 2017
Randy Kluver joined the group Interest Groups: Public Diplomacy.
Posted Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Recently Updated Profiles
Madeline Boughton, Richard Dwomoh, Bar Fishman, Zhi LIN, Yangdong Liu